Be Glad of Life because it gives you the chance to Love, and to Play, and to look at the Stars

Friday, April 4, 2008

Silly Boy!!

The other day i was asking Jaxon where different body parts were. He was doing great until we got to his nose. This how the conversation went:
Me: Where is your nose?
Jax: I don't have a nose!
Me: Well how do you smell?
Jax: (after a quick wiff of himself) Nasty!!
I cracked up - he makes me laugh all the time....Silly Boy!!


The Kohler Family said...

How funny! Its so cute what comes out of our kids' mouths sometimes. Mya sneezed the other day and said, "oh excuse me mom, I bless you'd."

nancy said...

That is hillarious!

chandra said...

That is so cute! Such a fun age. Kids say the funniest things.