Be Glad of Life because it gives you the chance to Love, and to Play, and to look at the Stars

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today is our 6th wedding anniversary! I can't believe it has been that long already!! I just wanted to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KENT. You are my best friend and i am so grateful that we have had six great years, have 2 beautiful children, and so many great memories. I look forward to growing old with you!! Thanks for always working so hard, and doing all that you do for me and the kids. We celebrated last night by going to a movie (rare occasion for us) we saw Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. We both thought that it was good. Then we went to Tepanyaki for a delicious meal - YUMMY! We somehow ended up at Walmart and we bought the box set of Indiana Jones (our anniversary gift to each other - we had decided no gifts this year, but after watching the new movie, we were in the mood to watch all the others - exciting i know!) It was nice to have an evening out alone with my hubby!! I LOVE YOU!!