Be Glad of Life because it gives you the chance to Love, and to Play, and to look at the Stars

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Itty Bitty Baseball

Jaxon has been so excited for his Itty Bitty Baseball class to start. Tuesday was the first day and he did so good! We had to find his team....BOSTON RED SOX. They had set up 6 different stations, and each team was at a different station and then they rotated. He learned lots, they learned about running to the bases, catching, throwing, hitting from a t-ball stand, hitting a swinging ball, and they learned all about words you use in baseball.
Doing his warm up!Practicing catchingHitting the ball Waiting his turn to runLearning baseball words
Excited about his treat after class.
He was so excited to take his mitt that uncle Brian had given him. He did everything that his teacher asked him and was such a good boy!!
His next class was on Thursday, it was picture day and he got his T-shirt...he was really excited about that.
In the car i told him to smile big for his pictures.....what a mistake, when it was his turn he was trying to smile so big, you couldn't see his eyes, his nose was all wrinkled, his smile was weird.....we will have to see how they turn out!!!

After class on Tuesday we went swimming with Grandma Krupa. Jaxon was being a good swimmer, he was swimming across the pool all by himself (with a life jacket on!) When we got home he was so exhausted!!

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